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Choices in Deafness: A Parents' Guide to Communication Options
Sue Schwartz
Woodbine House
Deaf Culture and Identity
DHH Resource


Choices in Deafness: A Parent's Guide to Communication Options helps parents who have a child with varying hearing levels to make a complex decision. They must choose a communication method for their child, after weighing the pros and cons of the various educational options and evaluating which one will best meet their child's needs at home, in school, and in the community. This expanded and updated edition explains the medical causes of hearing loss, the diagnostic process, audiological assessment, and the cochlear implant. Then experts present in detail, but without bias, the following communication options: Auditory -- Verbal Approach; Bilingual -- Bicultural Approach; Cued Speech; Oral Approach; Total Communication. Personal stories from parents and children speaking about their choices help to round out this useful guide.
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