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Hand in Hand Essentials of Communication and Orientation and Mobility for Your Students Who Are Deaf-Blind
Kathleen Mary Huebner
Orientation and Mobility
BVI Resource

This series was designed to develop resources for educators of children who are visually impaired, hearing impaired, and severely disabled. The Hand In Hand materials emphasize the communication and mobility skills crucial to independence, and provide important information to help service providers do their jobs effectively. Containing contributions from more than 30 nationally recognized experts in the field of deaf-blindness, this groundbreaking information consists of four components that can be used separately or together.

A two-volume, self-study text that explains how deaf-blind students learn, focusing on essential communication and mobility skills. Designed to provide comprehensive information in an easy-to-read way, this invaluable resource includes identified key concepts, self-study questions and answers, and references. The user-friendly format includes concise "Help at a Glance" and "From Theory to Practice" sections throughout. Sidebars, figures, tables, graphs, and photos offer additional perspectives and information.

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