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Reducing School Violence Through Conflict Resolution
David W. Johnson
Social Skills
BVI Resource

Increasing violence and threats of violence in American schools have prompted many school districts to take aggressive action in providing greater security and more positive learning environments. This book presents an alternative approach--that of training students in conflict resolution and peer mediation. The book offers specific, practical strategies for implementing violence-prevention and conflict-resolution programs. An overview of the situation and the schools' responsibility to provide students with an orderly environment is discussed. The following sequential process that schools need to follow to implement violence prevention and conflict resolution programs is also covered: (1) Admit that destructive conflicts are out of control; (2) implement a violence-prevention program; (3) become a conflict-positive organization; (4) implement a conflict-resolution program; (5) create a cooperative context; (6) institute conflict-resolution/peer-mediation training that teaches students how to negotiate and mediate and teachers how to arbitrate; and (5) use academic controversy to improve education. Twelve figures are included. (Contains 123 references.) (LMI)

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