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Double Jeopardy Pregnant and Parenting Youth In Special Education
Lynne Muccigrosso
Council for Exceptional Children
Social Skills
BVI Resource

This booklet addresses the plight of pregnant teenagers and teenage parents, especially those in special education, and the role of program developers and practitioners in responding to their educational needs. After a brief introduction, a research synthesis notes similarities of predictors, extent, and consequences of teenage pregnancy and parenting for youths in regular and special education, as well as increased vulnerability among special education students. Implications for program development are presented next, including the need for a broad-based local team addressing the complex issues associated with creating sound family life/sex education/prevention programs for this population. The importance of administrative involvement and support is covered in the following section. Teachers of family life education programs are encouraged to increase their knowledge of this topic and to improve their assessment skills, teaching strategies, and access to support networks. Administrators are urged to take responsibility for policy, teacher education and support, collaboration with parents and community agencies, budgeting, evaluation, and monitoring. The book includes 45 references, a resource list of teaching materials, and a description of the Scarborough principle of teaching sex education to the mentally handicapped. (DB)

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