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A Practical Guide to the ADA and Visual Impairment
Elga Joffee
American Foundation for the Blind
Program Planning
BVI Resource

An essential resource that offers an in-depth treatment of the access issues under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for people who are blind or visually impaired. This resource is ideal for businesses, architectural planners, facility planners and technical resource centers. Special sections offer tips on the meaning of the ADA and what it means for your business, the accommodations necessary when employing a blind or visually impaired person, accessibility in public areas for blind and visually impaired people, staff training, and auxiliary aids and services. Also addressed in this comprehensive tool is the ADA Accessibility Guide (ADAAG), which includes facility and signage requirements, the Quick Guide to Getting Help on the ADA, which provides easy reference to the appropriate government agency to contact for each aspect of the ADA, a Resource section on products, services and organizations.

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