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On the Way to Literacy: Five Little Speckled Frogs
American Printing House for the Blind

Five Little Speckled Frogs is a fun and engaging early childhood book based on a familiar children’s rhyme. This read-aloud tactile storybook incorporates both large print and contracted UEB text. It is designed to introduce early counting concepts, develop key literacy skills, and encourage imaginative play. Included in the book are a storyboard and pieces that can be used by the reader to bring the story to life with an additional layer of tactile exploration.

This installment in the On the Way to Literacy series follows five frogs as they enjoy a nature-filled setting, sitting on a log, and jumping off one by one until they are all cooling off in a refreshing pond. Use the storyboard to interact with the text by making the frogs physically “jump” off the log into the water.

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