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CVI Companion Guide (Print)
American Printing House for the Blind

Ever wonder how a brain injury might impact vision? From navigating in a crowd, avoiding eye contact, the inability to identify faces, or seeming to have an exaggerated emotional response when faced with an overload of visual stimuli, the CVI Companion Guide assists parents and service providers to navigate current research regarding the impact of brain injury and how it may impact visual processing, social interaction, and more. The book also delves into documenting a child’s current level of functioning with their CVI diagnosis and organizing a plan to work on skills needed to function in everyday activities.

According to the text, “Five domains are presented in this Companion Guide: social-emotional, communication, cognitive, fine motor, and gross motor. The guide covers relevant research, key considerations, and intervention suggestions. In addition, potential behavioral outcomes of CVI are highlighted in a special section, and caregivers and practitioners are encouraged to infuse interventions within the context of daily routines that address these behaviors within each developmental domain. The Companion Guide is not an assessment tool, and no age expectations or developmental levels are provided because children with CVI are so varied in their expression of the condition.”

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