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Handbook of Infant Mental Health
Charles H. Zeanah
Guilford Publications
Deaf Education Resources
DHH Resource

Despite the wealth of research on infancy, this comprehensive handbook is the first to offer a broad interdisciplinary analysis of the developmental, clinical, and social aspects of infant mental health. With chapters written by scholars and clinicians from a variety of perspectives, the work is grounded in a relational view of infancy and applies the fruits of contemporary research in developmental psychology to the problems encountered in clinical practice. Extensive in its scope, this volume thoroughly covers models of development, risk conditions and protective factors, and social policy considerations, as well as assessment, evaluation, and diagnosis for all children from birth to three years of age. The broad initial chapters critically evaluate different models of development and developmental psychopathology, and the contexts of infant mental health, particularly the family. Subsequent chapters examine factors that may influence infant development, including adolescent motherhood, multiple family relationships, the consequences of poverty, and the effects of premature birth, parental mental illness, and maternal substance abuse. Issues of assessment, evaluation, and diagnosis are covered in detail, and separate chapters then focus on specific disorders--from traditional topics such as autism and failure to thrive to contemporary descriptions of regulatory and attachment disorders. An array of interventions --from practitioner-based models of psychotherapy to programmatic prevention and early intervention efforts--are presented. The final chapters on day care and custody illuminate social policy questions that can profoundly affect infant mental health. This book is unparalleled as a complete resource for a wide variety of professionals. Relevant to clinicians, investigators, and those concerned with social policy, it is an indispensable reference for psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, pediatricians, nurses, special educators, policy makers, and early intervention specialists. It also serves as an excellent text for students in these disciplines.

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